Focus: Meds Pharmacy and Wellness

2000 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard, Suite 134 Charleston, South Carolina 29407


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Medication Therapy Management

Medication Therapy Management in Charleston, South Carolina

Medication therapy management (MTM) is a term that describes the analysis of a patient’s medication therapy by a pharmacist, who then makes recommendations to the patient, a caregiver, or a physician on any interventions that may be needed. MTM is designed to help prevent medication related problems and improve health outcomes by improving the way you take your medications. Among the many goals of MTM are increasing drug therapy adherence and detecting undertreated patients.

At Focus: Meds Pharmacy and Wellness, we aim to increase access to pharmacist-provided clinical services for seniors and ensure the appropriate and safe use of medications for the elderly. Our pharmacy provides the optimal setting and level of expertise for clinical medication therapy management, which has been proven to reduce costs and improve outcomes.

We offer MTM to our Medicare Advantage plan members with prescription drug coverage who need to manage multiple medications for chronic conditions. This program is not considered a benefit. It is voluntary and free for eligible beneficiaries. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will be notified by mail and/or by telephone with more information on the services offered.

MTM consists of two types of medication reviews:

  • Comprehensive Medication Review: A detailed one-on-one review between the MTM pharmacist and the patient or caregiver. The conversation usually lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. If issues are identified, the pharmacist will work with your doctor to help resolve the issue. After this review, the pharmacist will mail you a list of your medications and an action plan based on your individual review.
  • Targeted Medication Review: All eligible MTM members will receive quarterly targeted reviews. These reviews are based on claims data and look for specific common medication issues. The pharmacist may reach out to you for a brief conversation at this point, or may follow-up directly with your physician if issues are identified.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for this program?

To be eligible for this program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your total Part D covered prescription drug costs are likely to exceed $3,507 in 2016.
  • You have received seven or more distinct prescriptions for chronic conditions.
  • You have at least three of the following conditions:
    • Asthma
    • Heart Failure
    • Chronic Kidney Disease
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    • Coronary Artery Disease
    • Depression
    • Diabetes
    • Hyperlipidemia
    • Hypertension
Why should I talk to a pharmacist about my prescriptions?
  • It can help keep you safe – Our pharmacist will look at all your medications to check for interactions and make sure nothing you’re taking will cause you harm.
  • You’ll get answers to your unique questions and concerns about your prescriptions – with the full attention of the pharmacist, you can get the information you need.
  • Side effects may be identified – You may be experiencing side effects from a medication and not even know it. If an issue is discovered, the pharmacist can work with your doctor to fix it.
  • You can ensure you’re getting the best value from your prescriptions – The pharmacist can sometimes find a lower cost, equally effective drug to save you money or help you find assistance to pay for your medicine.
How can I speak to a pharmacist?
First, call to schedule an appointment. This appointment can take place either over the telephone or we can meet in person at our pharmacy.
Will the pharmacist still do a review of my medications if I choose not to speak with them?
Yes, however, if you don’t speak to the pharmacist, they won’t be aware of any over-the-counter medications and supplements you take, samples given by your doctor or special instructions you’ve received from your doctor. The pharmacist needs to know this information so they can provide the most comprehensive review of your medications.
Is a medication review necessary if I already have frequent contact with my doctor?
Mistakes and oversights can happen. Our pharmacists provide an additional set of eyes to help ensure your safety.
Can a family member speak to the pharmacist for me?
Yes. If you have a family member who helps you with your medications they can speak for you. We can refer to your health care proxy or we will ask you to fill out a privacy form, which will allow a family member or appointed caretaker to speak on your behalf.

If you are eligible for MTM and choose to speak to the pharmacist, the pharmacist will complete this Personal Medication List for you. You may also complete and print this form out for yourself.

For more information about MTM or to schedule an appointment call 843-818-4638, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or

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